Becht Upstream – Reliability Support
Arcot “Radha” Radhakrishnan, Director of Reliability & Jerry Horak, Senior Engineering Advisor
Becht Engineering Reliability Specialist Teams are providing their expertise and in-depth knowledge to support Clients’ Capital Projects in Upstream Operations, worldwide, with a focus on development of Reliability & Maintenance Strategies for Production Units (PU). These strategies are defined in Equipment Reliability Plans (ERPs) which specify a portfolio of inspection, maintenance, operational surveillance and monitoring tasks through the life of equipment operations in the PU. Becht Specialists work with Client Operations/Maintenance/Technical Groups and use either Becht proprietary software, orcommercially available client specific software for the developmentof ERPs. Becht Teams’ engaged in these projects includeFacilitators and Maintenance Software Experts all of whom have over 30 years experience in the Upstream and Downstream refining industry.
Pro-Active Maintenance Planning
An Industry Best Practice for Grass Roots Facilities Reliability Planning for Upstream Assets is being done at an early phase in the Project’s Life Cycle. Becht Teams are currently engaged with two Capital Projects, in which Clients require development of detailed Reliability Plans to coincide with Engineering design completion, long before commissioning of facilities. ERPs are the tool for pro-active maintenance planning.
A primary objective of the ERP is to achieve the Capital Project’s targeted goals of equipment reliability and availability through a consistent long-term operations and maintenance strategy. By developing the ERPs well in advance of commissioning, the client ensures that key operating, inspection, and maintenance procedures are defined, and warehouse spares are in place. The ERPs are used to plan and budget resources for maintenance staffing in a pro-active manner to support the PU’s Business Objectives. The Plans utilize risk-based decision making by cross-functional teams, who are responsible for Operations and Maintenance of the PUs. These decisions assess the impact of equipment outages on Safety, Health, Environmental and Financial considerations. A structured approach is used in these assessments by Client Teams, with guidance from Facilitators.