Deflagration Events
Deflagration is a combustion that propagates through a gas/dust mixture at a rapid rate. Dust collection systems often use bag houses to enclose long tubular filters to remove the dust from a gas/air before it is vented. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) have rules for suppressing the combustion or venting the excess pressure that occurs in a deflagration. In this case the client had a bag house and wanted to determine if it was structurally adequate to contain the rapid rise in pressure without a catastrophic failure. Although the baghouse had a suppression system, it takes time for the system to detect a deflagration and for the suppressant to be injected into and baghouse., i.e., there is a lag time between the very rapid pressure rise and slower suppressant activation time. In the Finite Element Analysis (FEA), the dynamic pressure rise was applied internally to the sides, top and bottom of the baghouse as shown in the pressure-time history graph. The peak pressure occurs in less than 50 milliseconds and reaches a level of nearly 3 psig, the maximum unsuppressed pressure that the baghouse must sustain without failure. The figure shows the stresses in the baghouse with the grey areas exceeding two-thirds of the yield stress of the material. Structural modifications were recommended to meet the required NFPA requirements.