Power Generation
Whether you are a plant operator, are considering the development of a new advanced technology Combined Cycle facility, operate an older gas, oil or coal fueled facility subject to new and challenging dispatch requirements or are considering acquiring an existing generation asset, our world class engineers and subject matter experts have worked with other clients facing similar challenges. We can help make important technology selection decisions, we can help you improve the efficiency, flexibility and reliability of your plant by performing efficiency audits or by utilizing our advanced CFD and FEA flow path modeling tools to reduce inlet, exhaust and HRSG pressure drop. We provide full high energy ASME B31.1 covered piping design, inspection and condition assessments, HRSG fatigue and creep life assessments for HRSG’s operating outside of their original design envelope, complete overall plant FFS reviews and provide full multidiscipline support for Rotating Equipment, Electrical, Instrumentation, Automation, Outage planning and Heavy Lift Planning Support Services.
Becht Fossil Power Generation Plant Services
- Gas Turbine Consulting Services
- Renewable Generation Development Support
- High Energy B31.1 Power Piping Specialty Services
- Mechanical Engineering Services for Power Generators
- Condition Assessment, Remaining Life, Life Extension,
- Performance and Efficiency Betterment
- Off-Design Operational Studies
- Fitness-For-Service Evaluations for Key Power Plant Components and Systems
- Rotating Equipment Trouble Shooting & Consulting
- Instrumentation and Automation Services
- Corrosion and Materials Consulting
- Dimensional Technologies Services
- Heavy Lift Consulting
- Thermo-Hydraulic, Fatigue & Structural Analysis
- Risk Based Outage Planning and Support
- Staff Augmentation and Operations Support
Renewable Generation
In the Renewable Generation Area, Becht’s Subject Matter Experts are supporting the development of Renewable Generation in the areas of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) technology, improving the flexibility of existing gas turbine plants to support fast-response renewable generation and integrated energy storage and in repurposing existing gas plants for renewable generation and storage integration. From Becht’s extensive and long-term experience in generating and utilizing hydrogen in oil refineries, we are leaders in the development of safe hydrogen storage technology and in the utilization of hydrogen in both the generation of electricity and in the transportation sectors. We also work with clients in evaluating new and emerging generation and storage technologies including advanced battery and inverter technologies, biomass, compressed air energy storage and other promising developing technologies.
Becht Renewable Generation Services
- Battery and Inverter Technology Assessment and Screening
- Expert Emerging Batter Storage Technology Knowledge
- Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) feasibility and planning studies including battery technology selection, layout, storage density, fire protection and economic (proforma) analysis
- Existing simple and combined cycle plant repurposing and energy storage integration
- Gas Turbine Hydrogen Fuel Firing Capability and Conversion
- Advanced High-Pressure Hydrogen storage, handing and safety
- Emerging Renewable Generation and Energy Storage Technology Feasibility and Scale-up
Nuclear Services
Becht Nuclear Services provides immediate, around-the-clock support in helping operating plants resolve mechanical and structural integrity issues in a safe and reliable manner. Becht’s reputation and working relationship with the US Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRC) allows us to be especially well positioned to work with our clients in concert with the regulatory agencies to develop mutually acceptable problem resolutions to keep your plants operating when critical issues develop requiring:
- Mechanical and structural analysis and qualification
- Integrity assessments
- Resolution of materials, corrosion and welding issues
- Thermo-hydraulics analysis
- Transient and vibration diagnostics and resolution
- Life extension
- Equipment qualification, fracture analysis, and accident analysis