Capital Projects
Investing in new equipment can be a huge undertaking giving you the opportunity to shape the future of your plant and improve returns. Becht has the expertise and experience to assist with all aspects and phases of the projects. From helping you to decide how to invest through training and start-up of the new facilities Becht is here to help.
Contact an Expert
Capital Planning and Strategy
Capital Project Assurance
Project Execution Support
Capital Planning and Strategy
Where do you want to take your plant? What opportunities and challenges do you face in the future? How many competing priorities do you have for the available Capital? Becht’s team is available to study your existing infrastructure and markets and help you to identify a future state and make it a reality. The return on investment for early engagement of the right expertise is significant.
Capital Project and Business Planning
Investing in new equipment can be a huge undertaking, giving you the opportunity to shape the future of your plant and improve returns. Becht has the expertise and experience to assist with integration of industry best practices and all aspects and phases of capital projects.
We are here to assist you with everything from the initial conceptual design of a $100,000 maintenance modification to a $3.5 Billion integrated petrochemical facility. Becht’s team can provide oversight and expertise in all phases of project execution including contractor strategies and selection, request for quotation development, vendor selection, technology review and optimization, organization design, and operations readiness.
Technology Review and Selection
Becht’s industry leading process team has unparalleled expertise in virtually every refining, petrochemical, and chemical processes. We challenge ourselves to always look at the bigger picture and not be constrained by battery limits or technology specific solutions when trying to solve our client’s chronic process issues. Becht’s expertise includes equipment, unit, and technology specific knowledge gained over our expert’s long careers typically with owner/operator corporations. We combine this unparalleled depth of knowledge with a true technological agnostic approach that gives the client the right solution for the right problem.
Capital Project Assurance
Production Assurance (PA)
Production Assurance is the confidence that a defined production premise will be met safely, stably, and sustainably as required by the business and financial objectives for the project. IPA, the world’s foremost capital project analysis and benchmarking company, found from over 300 global megaprojects, 65 percent failed to meet business objectives. In some industrial sectors the failure rate was as high as 75%. The root cause of this high rate of failures is the absence of capturing and deploying lessons from past project experiences, ranging from early FEL up to commissioning, startup, and production. IPA concluded there is a systemic lack of knowledge and commitment to implementing widely established industry best practices. Becht brings a wealth of owner operator capital project experience and knowledge. Becht teams provide oversight and expertise in all phases of project execution including business planning, project execution strategies, technology review & selection, contract strategy development, organization design, stage gate reviews and readiness to operate.
Readiness To Operate (RTO)
Readiness to Operate is the planning, assembly and development of a functional team that is capable of safely and effectively starting up a new facility. If you want a successful project, you must plan for a successful startup! The process starts in the preliminary design phase and continues through startup. Effective startup planning requires that the right issues be addressed by the right people at the right time! Becht provides owner teams with a proven methodology to assess and ensure their operating teams are in place and ready to support all five phases of the project life cycle including engineering, construction, mechanical completion, turnover and commissioning. Industry best practice is to have the owners operating leadership team and a readiness to operate plan in place before the full investment decision is made.
Stage Gate Reviews
The Capital Stage Gate process is intended to help make sound business decisions as efficiently as possible and reduce the risk of project delays and budget busts as you move forward. Becht offers an independent “Cold Eyes” review of capital projects at various stages throughout the project lifecycle to help owner’s transition through these gates. The reviews are designed to assess project focus and progress towards a set of pre-defined business goals. They are executed by highly experienced practitioners with owner-operator major project experience. We provide reviews of technology readiness and integration prior to detailed engineering, constructability readiness prior to executing construction contracts and safety and operations readiness assessments prior to startup. Becht’s team focuses on practical, actionable recommendations that will impact project success.
Project Execution Support
Embedded Project Personnel
Executing a capital project involves design engineering contractors, EPC contractors, vendors, technology licensors, specialty contractors, and most importantly the owner’s organization. Becht can supplement your owner’s organization with project engineers, project managers, discipline subject matter experts and other personnel to work from your plant-site or operate out of the contractor’s office. Becht’s team is unique in that we provide highly experienced personnel only with owner-operator background, so they serve as an extension of your team bringing the owner’s perspective.
Becht is frequently tasked with filling out the team. Our team of highly experienced Project Professionals have a wealth of owner-operator experience planning, executing, and overseeing projects of all sizes all over the world. We bring the owner’s perspective to supporting your capital projects.
Becht will provide people ready to hit the ground running with all required training, PPE, and a “CAN DO” safety attitude. Becht personnel take Safety seriously. We have a 5-year TRIR of 0.0 reflecting our focus and commitment to safety.
Engineering Oversight
Capital Projects are an investment in resolving core operational and reliability challenges or capturing new market opportunities; unfortunately, many owners struggle post-commissioning with lingering issues stemming from poor design, construction quality or engineering errors. Becht has a structured work-process for providing Engineering Oversight & Review throughout a project lifecycle giving owners high confidence in a safe and efficient transition from mechanical completion through start up and subsequent sustained operations.
Becht is frequently requested to assist the plant owner with ensuring the design engineering contractor is designing the project in an efficient manner which will deliver the desired outcome. Regardless of the size and complexity of the project, Becht’s team has seen it. Becht’s process involves monitoring contractor quality
during Front End Engineering Design, Detailed Engineering and Commissioning including contractor office visits, offsite reviews, and site visits, as necessary.
Commissioning and Startup Support
The goal of every project is an “on time, one-time” start-up that produces the expected outcome. Becht can work with you to develop and deliver the training, as well as provide augment technical and non-technical personnel to ensure a smooth start-up. There is nothing more important than having the right expertise engaged in the final commissioning steps with teams that have operated the same or similar process units; in one example Becht provided an eight-person technical and operations team in Greece to ensure a flawless execution of a mega-project. This team provided critical insights throughout commissioning that ultimately led to a safe start-up and continued operations.
Becht’s Performance Group provides highly effective and proactive course of training materials, addressing Procedure Writing and Development, Console Operator Training, Outside Operator Training, and Train the Trainer. We provide experienced developers and trainers, electronically delivered manuals, training workbooks and diagrams for our clients’ use. This material goes far beyond the typical standard licensor training through customization to your plant site and location.
Heavy Haul/Heavy Lift Support
Heavy Lift and Heavy Haul are two of the highest risk activities involved in capital projects and turnarounds – do you have the right competency on-site to assure these activities are completed without incident? Having competent and qualified personnel participating in Heavy Haul & Heavy Lift activities is not only a best practice, but also an OSHA requirement.
Becht brings decades of experience, helping assure safe transport and lifts of loads up to 2,000 tons. We have been involved in reviews of some of the largest lifts in the world and next-generation technology such as the GE Halide-X -12 MW 800-foot tall wind generator with a 716-ton Nacelle and 350-ft long blades.