Customized Solutions
We have found that many client issues do not fit into ready-made industry software solutions. Becht’s team of IT professionals and engineering software developers are ready to provide customized software solutions to improve your organization’s efficiency. Using our deep bench of Subject Matter Experts, we can embed our extensive knowledge base into tools to provide your organization with rapid access to engineering technology solutions.
Examples of our customized solutions include:
- An innovative coke drum assessment tool which uses both qualitative (inspection and repair history) and quantitative (temperature cycle data) information to determine the current damage state of a refining facility’s drums. The tool has been successfully used for previous clients to better plan shutdowns for replacement, and in many cases extend drum life via inspection and operational adjustments.
- A rapid screening tool for predicting remaining life of boiler tubes experiencing longitudinal cracking using interpolated results from API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Part 9, allowing the client to predict when tubes should be replaced without expensive and time consuming FEA and fracture mechanics.
- Some sites are plagued by lower quality UT data. Becht has developed an NDE corrosion data tool using a standard statistical approach for the Materials Technology Institute. Graphical results are used to visually assess the data and calculated corrosion rates, thus allowing rapid assessment of the quality of point thickness reading data.
- Unavoidable operating conditions can lead to Laser Scan data that is not optimal. To improve scan clarity and quality, Becht developed algorithms that removed steam and dust particle pixels from a specific model based on the properties of the steam and dust present.
- Heat transfer calculator for steam-water mixtures flowing over shock bank tubes to predict metal wall temperatures and operating profiles where critical heat flux occurs.
- Predicting the impact on fixed equipment from changes in process conditions is not always intuitive. Becht developed a heat exchanger tube vibration risk tool which—when coupled with HTRI—can provide feedback on assets’ tendency to vibrate at varied operating conditions throughout the exchanger by utilizing Blevins’ work. Separately, and similarly, a two-phase flow regime prediction tool was developed based on Dukler Flow Regime Maps.