

Digital System of Engineered Standards for Advanced Project Excellence

Do You Have Capital Project Challenges?

  • Increased project costs & delays to review and implement bloated, non-applicable, and outdated engineering standards
  • Decreased project excellence with inefficient, outdated, and hard to use engineering standard systems
  • Outdated technology for standards management & accessibility
  • Safety & compliance concerns due to use of outdated & internally maintained engineering standards
  • Non-optimized life cycle costs
  • Legacy requirements implemented with unknown origins & justifications


These challenges and inefficiencies are increasingly common realities for Capital Project Teams as engineering standards continue to utilize outdated practices and technologies.

BechtPractices Joint Industry Project (JIP)

To address these industry challenges and help our clients succeed, Becht is leading the BechtPractices Joint Industry Project (JIP). Our new approach to corporate engineering standards will revolutionize how capital projects are executed and improve how corporate engineering standards are managed, utilized, and maintained through the use of:

  • Digitization of optimized engineering standards requirements
  • Dynamic delivery through a secure BechtPractices Project Portal
  • Alignment with current local and industry-specific Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices (RAGAGEP) and Best Practices supported by an extensive global team of SMEs


Benefits of BechtPractices JIP Membership

  • Immediate access to previously developed Engineering Standards via BechtCONNECT
  • Prioritization of content development to meet your organization’s needs
  • Creation of value-add Best Practice system to provide savings on future Capital Projects
  • Additional functionality incorporated and tailored to your company’s needs
  • Access to newly developed content for review and adoption
  • Future discounts for ongoing collection maintenance


Cost Savings Through Advanced Project Excellence and Value-Add Project Platforms & Systems

Through BechtPractices JIP, Becht will lead development of a system of Engineering Standards built for the end-user, using current technologies to improve use rather than hinder execution of successful capital projects.

With our revolutionized system, organizations can recognize tens of millions per year in cost savings through:

  • Eliminating review of non-applicable requirements
  • Improving knowledge transfer and access to the right information
  • Reducing re-work & lost production
  • Implementing, tracking, reporting, and managing economic project considerations across projects
  • Utilizing advanced tools to support efficient execution of project-related activities


Let Becht Turn Your Problem
Into Peace of Mind