Fitness for Service

Fitness for Service

Becht has extensive experience and expertise in the field of Fitness-For-Service. We have performed evaluations for all of the damage mechanisms covered in ASME FFS-1/API 579 for clients around the world. We have performed Fitness-For-Service evaluations on piping, pressure vessels, heat exchangers and tanks. Our wealth of knowledge and experience enables us to provide authoritative, practical, knowledge based answers, and to solve your problems. We have performed fitness for service assessments on more than 2,000 pressure vessels.

We are organized to quickly and efficiently handle all levels of Fitness-For-Service assessments including rapid response to emergency situations where quick assessments are required to keep a plant running or when damage is found as part of discovery during turnarounds, and rapid assessments are necessary to determine the path forward. For immediate response, contact our FFS coordinator, Magnus Gustafsson at 571-550-0722 or click on the urgent request button on this page. The request will go to Mr. Gustafsson, as well as our CEO, Dr. Charles Becht and VP of Business Development, John Basil.

Our knowledge comes from active participation in the new construction codes for equipment such as pressure vessels and piping as well as post construction standards. Magnus Gustafsson is a member, Gerrit Buchheim has been a member since inception and is taskgroup chair for Part 7 Hydrogen Blistering/HIC/SOHIC, Jim McLaughlin is a contributing member, Bob Sims is a member and the past vice-chair and George Antaki is past vice-chair of ASME FFS-1/API 579. Dr. Charles Becht IV is the founder and immediate past-chair of ASME PCC-2: Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping and member and past chair of the ASME Post Construction Committee. When required, we design the repairs to restore the equipment integrity.

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Fitness for Service
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