Law Suits – Know When to Hold ‘em, Know When to Fold ‘em

The lyrics from the famous Kenny Rogers song, ‘The Gambler,” have words of wisdom for clients involved in a law suit. “You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away and when to run.” Law suits are incredibly expensive and like gambling, the outcome is uncertain. […]

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Normalization Of Deviance Costs Lives

Space Shuttle Challenger Many of us can remember exactly where we were at 11:39 AM EST on January 28, 1986. That was when the Space Shuttle Challenger failed in flight killing all seven crew members. Normalization of Deviance was a major factor in the Challenger shuttle disaster. Normalization of Deviance is when what was unacceptable […]

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Applying Project Management Skills to Litigation Cases

Or … How to Save a Fortune Litigation is expensive. Uncontrolled litigation is financially devastating. The blog discusses applying basic project management skills to litigation cases. By employing this approach, the potential to significantly reduce both the legal and expert witness costs is enhanced. A partnership between the case attorneys and the expert witness is […]

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Steps to Increase Efficiency, Improve Deliverables and Reduce Expert Witness Costs

OR – Keeping Your Expert Witness Sane –  Litigation is extraordinarily expensive. Legal and expert witness fees can quickly mount up and become a significant percentage of the amount in dispute. I worked on a cost dispute on a plant estimated to cost $68MM but was significantly over expended. The litigation and expert fees were […]

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The Becht Expert Witness – A Partner with Credibility

In any legal case it is very important to establish a true partnership between the law firm and the expert witness. This partnership facilitates an effective, balanced team with both technical and legal knowledge. This will provide the client with the most cost-effective solution and best chance for a favorable outcome during trial or arbitration.  […]

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Securing the Right Expert to Support Your Lawsuit

On March 25, 2016 I published a Blog titled “Expert Witness, a Becht Engineering Service to Avoid”. This Blog focused on a number of elements that can be used to assure projects do not result in litigation. These elements include: Developing a sound, complete scope of work Selecting a qualified contractor Using proven industry standards […]

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Expert Witness – A Becht Engineering Service to Avoid

Becht Engineering personnel have significant experience in serving as Expert Witnesses for a variety of legal matters.   However, litigation can be costly, time consuming and often times the outcome is unpredictable. It should be avoided if at all possible through implementation of proper controls and oversight. A much better strategy than after the fact litigation […]

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