Becht Joins ARPEL and participates in Natugas Conference Week
Becht participated in Naturgas Conference Week organized by ARPEL, in April.
ARPEL, is an association of oil and gas and renewable energy companies in Latin America, and Naturgas is the Colombian association of natural gas. Both combined to form the 7th ARPEL Conference with the Naturgas Congress 2024 in Cartagena, Colombia.
ARPEL has been promoting cooperation among the member companies for 59 years. They articulate agencies; countries ministers and other local and international associations. Today ARPEL is working to boost transformations for the energy sector to help achieve energy transition in the region.
Becht is proud to become a member of ARPEL. The synergy between the regional ARPEL networks aligns well with the technical and global expertise that Becht brings to Latin Amerca.
During ARPEL Naturgas Week, the association between ARPEL and Becht was formalized. The picture below is ARPEL and ANCAP President, Alejandro Stipanicic, ARPEL Director, Carlos Garibaldi and Becht’s Mariano Bertaina and Henry Nicola. Becht is excited to work with ARPEL and all the other associates to generate opportunities of experience and technical networking in Latin America and Caribe.
During ARPEL Naturgas Week there were many discussions related to how as an industry, Latin America, has the necessity and compromise to work for an integral and fair energy transition. Main energy companies from the region, like Ecopetrol, YPF, Raizen, ANCAP, ENAP and others shared their perspectives. It was a great week of conversations with old friends and many new connections were made.