Becht Successfully Completes SOC 2 Assessment

Becht Successfully Completes SOC 2 Assessment

As a solutions provider to our clients, Becht understands the importance of data security and systems reliability. At Becht, we continually evaluate and update our IT policies and procedures to follow best practices, assess our software development approach and execution and measure organizational health with a firm eye on what’s happening today and our thoughts on providing the solutions of tomorrow. As part of this commitment, we are excited to announce that we’ve successfully completed our SOC 2 report.

What is a SOC 2 report?

SOC 2 report  is a set of standards outlined by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants that primarily addresses risks associated with the handling and access of data. Rather than a cybersecurity assessment that evaluates specific technical configurations, a SOC 2 report focuses more on how an organization implements and manages controls to mitigate the identified risks to the different parts of an organization.

The SOC 2 audit testing framework is based off of the Trust Services Criteria (TSC), which are used to identify various risks (points of focus) an organization should consider addressing. Based on the TSCs the organization selects to be in-scope, the third-party compliance and audit firm (in our case, A-LIGN) evaluates whether the organization has the appropriate policies, procedures and controls in place to manage the identified risks effectively.

In order to pass a SOC 2 examination and receive a letter of attestation successfully, it means an organization is addressing controls in areas such as information security, access control, vendor management, system backup, business continuity and disaster relief, and more.

Our SOC 2 Report is just one of many ways Becht strives to turn your problems into peace of mind. If you are a current or prospective Becht customer and wish to view the full report, you can request a copy from your Becht account representative.

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About The Author

Mark Fronek has over 20 years of experience in all facets of technology supporting Engineering and Services in the Energy sector. Mark is well versed in the intricacies of IT infrastructure administrating and managing Windows and Unix servers, networking, security, telecom, mobile, etc. He has administrated and customized several 3D plant design packages and most common engineering software tools. By implementing best business practices, Mark has recently focused on automation/optimization of work processes and led the development of various internal and client facing cloud-based software packages. He has a passion for ensuring technology is fully leveraged within Becht.

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Becht Successfully Completes SOC 2 Assessment

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