Becht Industrial Group (BIG) is Dedicated to Client Success
We are pleased to introduce Becht Industrial Group to our trusted clients. Becht Industrial Group (BIG) was formed in 2021 as a mechanical contractor specializing in turnarounds, major maintenance activities and other schedule driven projects with the sole purpose of “helping our partners win”. For the past several months they have been preparing to successfully deliver these services, including procuring tools and equipment, establishing weld procedures, setting up appropriate business systems, and obtaining their R Stamp certification.
Becht has been helping clients be more successful in turnarounds in a variety of ways, including Risk Based Work Selection, turnaround planning, turnaround inspection planning, leadership during execution, Operational Reviews, TA / Projects Integration Reviews, and Schedule Optimization. These services have helped clients substantially reduce turnaround costs and helped them execute on schedule and within budget.
In today’s environment turnaround performance is critical to the success of an organization and in fact their survival. While Becht has been providing consulting services to clients to help them improve turnarounds, the performance of the mechanical contractor is another critical element to success. We saw the opportunity to partner with a mechanical contractor with the same philosophy of the existing Becht organization, best in class and dedicated to client success.
BIG’s experienced Executive Team is committed to Safety, Quality and Performance, and has developed strong relationships with other Strategic Partners. Please visit BIG’s website for a full understanding of their capabilities –
“The critical part of our decision to proceed with the formation of Becht Industrial Group was that we could engage a great leadership team for it, culturally aligned with Becht values, and dedicated to helping clients and employees succeed. And like Becht, our belief for BIG is for it to be the best in the business.” – Charles Becht IV, CEO of Becht and Chairman of the Board of Becht Industrial Group
Like to learn more about BIG? Contact Becht to speak with an expert.