The Value Spaces In The Hydrocarbon Supply Chain

“Demand Destruction”, “Oil Processing Won’t Be Back”, “Exports Stagnant”, “Record Quarterly Losses”, “Capital Budgets Slashed” and “Refinery Permanently Closed” are all part of the current torrent of brutal oil and gas headlines.  Situations like this are not the first time that the industry has been faced with such a dire reality.  Looking to the future, […]

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The Oil Industry – Winners, Losers, and Everything In Between – “Muscle Memory”

Becht’s “Winners, Losers, and Everything In Between” series presents strategies to maximize your workforce in the time of COVID-19. Part 2 of this series focuses on the development of “Muscle Memory” (Click Here for Part 1). In this section, we will discuss the conditioning of the workforce team. Why Muscle Memory? Athletes practice repetitive skills, […]

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The Oil Industry 2020 – Winners, Losers And Everything In Between

Athletic endeavors, especially team sports, can be rewarding to participate in or watch at any age.  Developing teams and players includes conditioning, diet, mental training, and finding the right “mix” of players to form the winning team.  Soccer, Baseball, Rugby, or Basketball teams play an array of opponents.  Very few teams in history complete a […]

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