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The Becht Blog

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to the various services, industries and research & development efforts of Becht.

News & Blog

PSM Implementation is a Challenge — Maintaining Compliance is Even Harder

The Process Safety Management rule (PSM), OSHA 1910.119, was implemented in the early 90’s, more than 20 years ago. Implementation was driven by a number of tragic accidents in the process industry. However, despite the long history of the rule and multiple preventable, catastrophic incidents, many companies still have not fully implemented PSM. Companies that […]

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Expert Witness – A Becht Engineering Service to Avoid

Becht Engineering personnel have significant experience in serving as Expert Witnesses for a variety of legal matters.   However, litigation can be costly, time consuming and often times the outcome is unpredictable. It should be avoided if at all possible through implementation of proper controls and oversight. A much better strategy than after the fact litigation […]

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Becht Advisors Exceed Client Expectations

Gulf Coast Refinery Turnaround  Becht Engineering mobilized Advisors to Louisiana to supplement a Client’s operations organization during a 45-day, fourth quarter 2015 turnaround. The planned outage included cleaning the pyro-fractionator coke fines, replacing the internals of a 5-stage gas compressor, cleaning, inspecting and making tie-ins for a flare recovery system, complete re-traying of an ethylene […]

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Mitigating Turnaround Discovery Risk

Recently, a Becht Inspection Planner was preparing the Inspection Turnaround Plan for a client’s HF Alkylation Unit. When reviewing the unit’s equipment histories the Planner found documentation stating the Iso-Sidecut Receiver (14’X30’ @ 30ft elevation) had scattered hydrogen blisters on one elliptical head from the past two inspection reports. The inspection recommendations were to monitor […]

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Natural Gas Fuel – Is It Time To Convert?

Natural gas costs have decreased substantially relative to fuel oil over the past few years because of the major gas production increase due to fracking. This has led some fuel oil consumers to consider spending capital to allow a switch to natural gas. A Becht Engineering client, Coopers Creek Chemical, Inc., in Conshohocken, PA, requested […]

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Risk Based Work Selection – A Process Focusing On Turnaround Excellence

Risk Based Work Selection (RBWS) is one of the Best Practices used by refiners in managing safety and reliability of operations for a facility. RBWS enables refiners to optimize the scope, cost and duration of major turnarounds (TA). Optimization of the work scope is accomplished by screening individual TA Work List items, using a risk-based […]

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Changing Your Crude Slate – Short and Long Term Consequences

There are many reasons why a refinery may want to change their crude slates. However, all of them boil down to economics. Whether a cheaper crude is available or there is a desire to manufacture specific products to increase profitability – money is the driver. However, in deciding to change your crude slate, the long […]

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Measuring Pressure Pulsation in Piping Systems

It is normal for piping systems to exhibit steady pressure pulses. Most of the time these pulses are inconsequential; however, in a few cases they must be eliminated because they can affect the reliable operation of the system or they can cause a mechanical failure. Becht Engineering recently assisted a client in the evaluation of […]

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