News & Insights

The Becht Blog

In this section of the site contributing authors submit interesting articles relating
to the various services, industries and research & development efforts of Becht.

News & Blog

Developing A Hydrocarbon Loss Management Culture To Realize Constant Benefits

When you think of your Hydrocarbon Loss Management practice, what comes to mind?  Is it tanks, meters, commercial transactions, hydrocarbon accounting tools, the financial close process, or some other related activity?  Additional questions might be, what are the benefits that your company derives from your Hydrocarbon Loss Management practice?  What goals do you satisfy?  What […]

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Becht Experts Participate In PTQ Catalysis 2023 Q&A

Below is an excerpt from some of the submissions by Becht in the recent PTQ Q&A. Participants from Becht were: Mel Larson, Jeff Johns, Jeff Kaufman, Stephen DeLude, Gene Roundtree In building the petrochemical value chain, how much further can we see the FCCU being used to increase olefins production with the wide range of […]

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Sling Angles do Matter!

One of the most overlooked considerations when designing a rigging system is sling angles. When slings are used in a bridle at an angle, the angle increases the force applied to each sling and the rigging hardware such as shackles, spreader bars, links and collector rings. The illustration below clearly shows the effect of specific […]

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Robotics and Risk Based Inspection Assessments Tools Supporting Storage Tanks Integrity Management Optimization

Article recently published in  Feb 23 / Mar 23 Tank Storage Magazine Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) owners and operators are under pressure to improve risk adjusted economic return through proactive and thorough Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) programs.  Quality programs that include tank inspection, repair, and maintenance have historically been developed using a time-based inspection […]

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Under Pressure II

CLICK HERE to view Part 1 of this series Tenets of Catalyst Selection I have had several suggestions to write about catalyst selection. This is a popular topic in many journals and blogs with some authors taking controversial stands on several issues.  I thought I would approach the subject by describing the important tenets that […]

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Production Assurance for Investors and Owners of Low Carbon Mega-Projects

with contributing author Victor Stroud  At Becht, we get involved in Capital Projects of all shapes, sizes and complexities.  Traditional oil companies, both big and small, generally follow the Front-End Loading (FEL) process and utilize some sort of gate keeping system to revalidate the business case and to monitor and ensure that the managing process […]

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BIG3 Safety System Integration

“What am I doing?”, “What could go wrong?”, and “What am I going to do about it?”. As Becht Industrial Groups enters 2023 approaching 1 Million Safe Manhours, our efforts to adapt and grow continue to demand innovation and creative approach to encourage our work execution teams to evaluate safety. Safety is a mindset, and […]

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Turning Your Experts into Mentors

How do organizations ensure proper knowledge transfer that occurs spontaneously on the job, often born out of everyday situations and circumstances? Is there a space where seasoned experts and veterans can share their knowledge with newbies? Is there a way to do this consistently and with intention instead of out of happenstance? Absolutely. Turning experts […]

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Risk-Based Work Selection – Planning a Turnaround of the “Right Size”

This White Paper was published in Inspectioneering, below is an excerpt from the paper. Here is a link to view the landing page and download a copy. In today’s Petrochemical and Power industries, sustained long term reliability of facilities is a key to profitability and competitiveness. The cost of unreliability, which includes health, safety and […]

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